Voting is the exercise of a civil right. 投票是行使一项公民权利。
The waiver or failure of either party to exercise in any respect any right provided for herein will not be deemed a waiver of any further right hereunder. 任何一方在任何方面放弃或未行使本协议项下规定的任何权利,不得视为对本协议项下任何其他权利的放弃。
Except for the circumstance as described in the preceding paragraph, the exercise of the right to apply for a patent or a patent right shall be based on the consensus of all joint owners. 除前款规定的情形外,行使共有的专利申请权或者专利权应当取得全体共有人的同意。
2 failure by either party to exercise any right or remedy under these terms does not constitute a waiver of that right or remedy. 由任何一个聚会的10.2失败不组成那权利或疗法的放弃在这些条款下面行使任何权利或疗法。
Failure or delay on the part of ABC or customer to exercise any right, power or privilege under this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of any right, power or privilege of this agreement. abc方面或客户方面没能或延误履行本合同下的权利、权力或特权将不被视为放弃本合同下的权利、权力、或特权。
Don't exercise on an empty stomach, but don't eat a huge meal right before exercising, either. 不要空腹锻炼,也不要在锻炼前吃大餐。
No waiver: The failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, a right, power or remedy provided by the Terms of Use or by law shall not constitute a waiver of that right, power or remedy. 不弃权:对使用条款或法律提供的某一权利、能力或纠正措施的无法实行或实行延迟将不构成对此权利、能力或纠正措施的放弃。
CC to exercise or enforce any right or provision of the Terms of Service shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. CC行使或执行的任何权利或规定的服务条款,应并不构成放弃此类权利或规定。
In certain circumstances a person will not be permitted by law to exercise a right which he has by law. 在某种情况下,法律不允许某人实行其法律所赋予的权利。
Due to the big bull market, HDIS fail to keep the price lower than the threshold, and investors exercise the warrants, as a result, the control right has been diluted. 但由于股市整体上涨趋势等客观原因,其盈余管理最终未能阻止认购权证的行权,股权遭到了稀释。
There is a need to insure that consumer reporting agencies exercise their grave responsibilities with fairness, impartiality, and a respect for the consumer's right to privacy. 必须确保消费者报告机构在履行其职责时是公正无私的,并尊重消费者的隐私权。
We ask you to exercise good judgment here, and to consult with your counselor, teacher, and parents as you construct a curriculum that is right for you. 我们期待你能有准确的判断力,也可以通过向班主任请教,决定修什么课程。
It is one set of tried and true scientific management method that strengthen management of project under construction and exercise project manager preside system. And it is a efficient path to realize duty and right and benefit adjoint. 加强对施工项目的管理,实行项目经理负责制是一套行之有效的科学管理方法,是实现责、权、利相结合的有效途径。
Subrogation right refers to a creditor's right to exercise a debtor's non-exclusive right to a third person in his own name when the debtor is slack in exercising his right to the third person so as to make it necessary to protect the creditor's right. 认为代位权的概念是:因债务人怠于行使其对第三人的权利致使债权人的债权保全成为必要,债权人得以自己的名义行使债务人对第三人的非专属性权利的权利。
The said right of action of formation means that the person entitled the right shall exercise the right through filing a lawsuit to the competent court and the effectiveness of the right shall be confirmed through the decision of the court. 所谓形成诉权是指权利人必须以向法院提起诉讼的方式来行使,并通过法院的判决来确定其效力的形成权。
Some scholars believe that the exercise of public power must be a clear legal basis, but our legal right provided no sentencing recommendation. 有学者认为,对于公权力的行使,要有明确的法律依据,而我国法律并无量刑建议权的规定。
This article from a civil aircraft in flight on the right of the police subject, range and exercise three part to analysis a civil aircraft in flight on the police right. 本文从飞行中民用航空器上警察权的主体、范围和行使三个方面展开,对飞行中民用航空器上的警察权进行法律分析。
Right to exercise the shareholder is a shareholder and oversee company management to understand the importance of means, making shareholders the right to dividend rights and other rights of shareholders to realize the premise and foundation. 行使股东知情权是股东了解并监督公司经营管理的重要手段,也是股东决策权、红利分配权等其他股东权利得以实现的前提与基础。
In order to exercise the powers of the Board of Trustees monitoring process, the company has to establish a new branch to check and balance the right of Board of Trustees. Also, many countries have set up a Board of Trustees of the corresponding oversight bodies. 为了监控董事会权力的行使过程,使公司具备与董事会相制衡的机构,许多国家设立了董事会的监督机构。
In our country, because law, until how exercise freedom right of cutting out etc. judge, lack a whole set of complete rules, lead to the fact freedom judges the situation with overly free enforcement of measuring right and occurs now and then. 在我国,由于法律对法官如何行使自由裁量权,缺乏一整套完备的规则,导致自由裁量权的行使过于自由的情况时有出现。
In the case of corporate interests having been jeopardized and the company being reluctant to exercise their rights or refusing to, that shareholders have a right to prosecute on behalf of the company will play a great positive role in safeguarding the interests of minority shareholders and creditors. 公司权益受到损害而公司又拒绝或怠于行使其权利的情况下,赋予股东代表公司提出诉讼的权利,对公司、少数股东和债权人利益的维护将有极大作用。
The release of the breach is not attributable to the subject matter as the elements of the exercise of a statutory rescission right of contract. 违约行为的解除不以归责事由作为行使法定解除权的要件。